+Arx/src/graphics/Math.cpp:722:6: style: Variable 'nxt' can be declared as const array [constVariable] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:49:18: style: Variable 'bg' can be declared as const array [constVariable] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:210:26: style: Variable 'lengthc' can be declared as const array [constVariable] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:211:26: style: Variable 'lengtheb' can be declared as const array [constVariable] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:212:26: style: Variable 'distc' can be declared as const array [constVariable] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:213:26: style: Variable 'disteb' can be declared as const array [constVariable] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:346:18: style: Variable 'sig' can be declared as const array [constVariable]