+Build/work/core/Version.cpp:33:19: warning: initialization of 'arx_name' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Build/work/core/Version.cpp:34:19: warning: initialization of 'arx_icon_name' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Build/work/core/Version.cpp:35:19: warning: initialization of 'arx_version' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Build/work/core/Version.cpp:46:19: warning: initialization of 'arx_credits' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Build/work/core/Version.cpp:190:19: warning: initialization of 'arx_copyright' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Build/work/core/Version.cpp:207:19: warning: initialization of 'cmake_version' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/animation/Animation.cpp:82:26: warning: initialization of 'g_animations' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/animation/AnimationRender.cpp:101:25: warning: initialization of 'TexSpecialColor' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/cinematic/CinematicSound.cpp:73:33: warning: initialization of 'TabSound' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/cinematic/CinematicTexture.cpp:59:20: warning: initialization of 'cinMaxSize' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/ArxGame.cpp:187:31: warning: initialization of 'runeDrawPointInterval' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/Benchmark.cpp:92:15: warning: initialization of 'g_current' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/Benchmark.cpp:94:15: warning: initialization of 'g_results' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/Config.cpp:398:8: warning: initialization of 'config' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/Core.cpp:170:7: warning: initialization of 'savegame_thumbnail' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/Core.cpp:202:7: warning: initialization of 'g_sizeRatio' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/FpsCounter.cpp:24:12: warning: initialization of 'g_fpsCounter' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/GameTime.cpp:52:14: warning: initialization of 'g_platformTime' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/GameTime.cpp:54:10: warning: initialization of 'g_gameTime' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/SaveGame.cpp:33:16: warning: initialization of 'SAVEGAME_NAME' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/SaveGame.cpp:37:16: warning: initialization of 'SAVEGAME_DIR' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/core/SaveGame.cpp:38:16: warning: initialization of 'SAVEGAME_THUMBNAIL' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/Camera.cpp:29:16: warning: initialization of 'g_preparedCamera' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/Camera.cpp:31:8: warning: initialization of 'g_playerCamera' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/Damage.cpp:218:28: warning: initialization of 'g_screenFxBloodSplash' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/EntityId.cpp:32:26: warning: initialization of 'self' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/EntityManager.cpp:76:15: warning: initialization of 'entities' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/Player.cpp:149:14: warning: initialization of 'player' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/effect/ParticleSystems.cpp:22:16: warning: initialization of 'g_particleParameters' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/magic/RuneDraw.cpp:29:20: warning: initialization of 'symbolVecScale' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/magic/RuneDraw.cpp:31:13: warning: initialization of 'g_bookSymbolDraw' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/magic/SpellRecognition.cpp:461:13: warning: initialization of 'LAST_FAILED_SEQUENCE' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/magic/SpellRecognition.cpp:472:24: warning: initialization of 'definedSpells' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/game/spell/FlyingEye.cpp:34:11: warning: initialization of 'eyeball' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/graphics/GlobalFog.cpp:57:13: warning: initialization of 'g_currentFogParameters' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/graphics/GlobalFog.cpp:58:13: warning: initialization of 'g_desiredFogParameters' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/graphics/particle/ParticleEffects.cpp:98:21: warning: initialization of 'g_particles' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/graphics/particle/ParticleManager.cpp:51:17: warning: initialization of 'g_particleManager' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/CharacterCreation.cpp:43:19: warning: initialization of 'g_characterCreation' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/CinematicBorder.cpp:30:17: warning: initialization of 'cinematicBorder' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/Console.cpp:706:15: warning: initialization of 'g_console' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/Cursor.cpp:244:20: warning: initialization of 'cursorAnimatedHand' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/Dragging.cpp:49:14: warning: initialization of 'g_draggedItemPreviousPosition' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/Hud.cpp:1615:9: warning: initialization of 'g_hudRoot' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/Interface.cpp:155:14: warning: initialization of 'g_bookResouces' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/Interface.cpp:157:6: warning: initialization of 'g_note' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/MiniMap.cpp:84:9: warning: initialization of 'g_miniMap' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/book/Book.cpp:58:12: warning: initialization of 'g_playerBook' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/book/Book.cpp:61:7: warning: initialization of 'g_bookRect' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/book/Book.cpp:99:29: warning: initialization of 'm_activeTabOffsets' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/book/Book.cpp:104:29: warning: initialization of 'm_tabOffsets' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/hud/PlayerInventory.cpp:382:20: warning: initialization of 'g_playerInventoryHud' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/hud/SecondaryInventory.cpp:44:23: warning: initialization of 'g_secondaryInventoryHud' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/gui/menu/MenuCursor.cpp:223:17: warning: initialization of 'g_thumbnailCursor' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/io/fs/SystemPaths.cpp:344:25: warning: initialization of 'cmdLineInitParams' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/io/fs/SystemPaths.cpp:484:13: warning: initialization of 'g_systemPaths' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/lib/ArxIO.cpp:69:21: warning: initialization of 'memLogger' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:95:31: warning: initialization of 'AMBIANCE_FADE_TIME' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:101:24: warning: initialization of 'sample_path' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:103:24: warning: initialization of 'ARX_SOUND_PATH_INI' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:105:24: warning: initialization of 'ARX_SOUND_PRESENCE_NAME' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:106:26: warning: initialization of 'ARX_SOUND_FILE_EXTENSION_WAV' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:107:26: warning: initialization of 'ARX_SOUND_FILE_EXTENSION_INI' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:109:24: warning: initialization of 'ARX_SOUND_COLLISION_MAP_NAMES' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:154:19: warning: initialization of 'presence' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.h:75:19: warning: initialization of 'AMB_MENU' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.h:76:19: warning: initialization of 'AMB_CREDITS' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/src/scene/Scene.cpp:189:3: warning: initialization of 'dynamicVertices' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/graphics/ColorTest.cpp:28:39: warning: initialization of 'g_registerColorTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/io/IniTest.cpp:24:37: warning: initialization of 'g_registerIniTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/io/fs/FilePathTest.cpp:27:42: warning: initialization of 'g_registerFilePathTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/io/fs/FilesystemTest.cpp:22:44: warning: initialization of 'g_registerFilesystemTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/io/resource/ResourcePathTest.cpp:26:46: warning: initialization of 'g_registerResourcePathTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/math/LegacyMathTest.cpp:31:44: warning: initialization of 'g_registerLegacyMathTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tests/util/StringTest.cpp:25:40: warning: initialization of 'g_registerStringTest' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tools/crashreporter/tbg/HTTPClientCURL.cpp:32:3: warning: initialization of 'initCURL' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveView.cpp:555:8: warning: initialization of 'config' with static storage duration may throw an exception that cannot be caught [cert-err58-cpp]