+Arx/src/animation/Animation.cpp:749:20: style: Variable 'slot' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/game/npc/Dismemberment.cpp:88:19: style: Variable 'face' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/graphics/effects/FloatingStones.cpp:106:14: style: Variable 'stone' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/graphics/effects/Lightning.cpp:119:23: style: Variable 'node' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/graphics/effects/Lightning.cpp:252:23: style: Variable 'node' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/graphics/particle/ParticleEffects.cpp:471:15: style: Variable 'item' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/gui/Hud.cpp:982:29: style: Variable 'slot' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/scene/ChangeLevel.cpp:815:15: style: Variable 'entity' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/scene/ChangeLevel.cpp:1003:18: style: Variable 'entity' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/scene/GameSound.cpp:1048:13: style: Variable 'array' can be declared as pointer to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/scene/Interactive.cpp:139:15: style: Variable 'entity' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/src/scene/Interactive.cpp:324:15: style: Variable 'entity' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveFix.cpp:375:26: style: Variable 'asi' can be declared as reference to const [constVariableReference]