+Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl01.h:89:7: style: The function 'Update' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl02.h:36:7: style: The function 'End' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl03.h:58:7: style: The function 'Update' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl03.h:93:7: style: The function 'End' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl03.h:111:7: style: The function 'End' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl06.h:97:7: style: The function 'Update' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl08.h:77:7: style: The function 'End' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl08.h:78:7: style: The function 'Update' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride] +Arx/src/game/magic/spells/SpellsLvl09.h:81:7: style: The function 'End' overrides a function in a base class but is identical to the overridden function [uselessOverride]