+Arx/src/animation/AnimationRender.cpp:1949:5: warning: Access to field 'nbgroups' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'eobj') [core.NullDereference] +Arx/src/game/NPC.cpp:3866:20: warning: Dereference of null pointer [core.NullDereference] +Arx/src/graphics/Math.cpp:945:22: warning: Access to field '_11' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'mat') [core.NullDereference] +Arx/src/graphics/data/Mesh.cpp:3543:16: warning: Access to field 'room' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'ep2') [core.NullDereference] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image_write.cpp:220:4: warning: Array access results in a null pointer dereference [core.NullDereference]