+Arx/src/graphics/VertexBuffer.h:67:15: warning: unspecified virtual member function instantiation; the virtual member function is not instantiated but it might be with a different compiler [portability-template-virtual-member-function] +Arx/src/graphics/VertexBuffer.h:69:19: warning: unspecified virtual member function instantiation; the virtual member function is not instantiated but it might be with a different compiler [portability-template-virtual-member-function] +Arx/src/graphics/VertexBuffer.h:70:15: warning: unspecified virtual member function instantiation; the virtual member function is not instantiated but it might be with a different compiler [portability-template-virtual-member-function] +Arx/src/graphics/VertexBuffer.h:72:15: warning: unspecified virtual member function instantiation; the virtual member function is not instantiated but it might be with a different compiler [portability-template-virtual-member-function] +Arx/src/graphics/VertexBuffer.h:73:15: warning: unspecified virtual member function instantiation; the virtual member function is not instantiated but it might be with a different compiler [portability-template-virtual-member-function] +Arx/src/graphics/VertexBuffer.h:75:10: warning: unspecified virtual member function instantiation; the virtual member function is not instantiated but it might be with a different compiler [portability-template-virtual-member-function]