-Deps/boost-1.67-libcxx/include/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp:85:28: warning: Division by zero [core.DivideZero] +Deps/boost-1.83-libcxx/include/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp:85:28: warning: Division by zero [core.DivideZero] +Arx/src/game/spell/Cheat.cpp:280:16: warning: Value stored to 'text' during its initialization is never read [deadcode.DeadStores] +Arx/src/gui/Interface.cpp:550:36: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/gui/Text.cpp:223:13: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/gui/TextManager.cpp:166:11: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/io/fs/FilesystemPOSIX.cpp:193:13: warning: An undefined value may be read from 'errno' [unix.Errno] +Arx/src/io/fs/FilesystemPOSIX.cpp:235:21: warning: The 1st argument to 'fstatat' is between -99 and -1 but should be a valid file descriptor or AT_FDCWD [unix.StdCLibraryFunctions] +Arx/src/io/fs/FilesystemPOSIX.cpp:373:12: warning: The 1st argument to 'fstatat' is between -99 and -1 but should be a valid file descriptor or AT_FDCWD [unix.StdCLibraryFunctions] +Arx/src/scene/Background.cpp:129:15: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled]