+Arx/src/io/fs/SystemPaths.cpp:367:16: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/src/io/log/ColorLogger.cpp:73:43: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/src/io/log/LogBackend.cpp:49:31: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/src/platform/Dialog.cpp:462:74: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/src/util/cmdline/CommandLine.cpp:37:19: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tests/math/AssertionTraits.h:51:11: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tests/math/AssertionTraits.h:57:28: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tests/math/AssertionTraits.h:141:11: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tests/math/AssertionTraits.h:148:12: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:42:47: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:50:54: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:91:45: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:98:45: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:105:51: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl] +Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:106:51: warning: do not use 'std::endl' with streams; use '\n' instead [performance-avoid-endl]