-Arx/src/animation/AnimationRender.cpp:158:41: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/animation/AnimationRender.cpp:165:41: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/animation/AnimationRender.cpp:172:41: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/animation/AnimationRender.cpp:179:41: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/io/SaveBlock.cpp:185:13: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/io/SaveBlock.cpp:220:44: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/io/fs/Filesystem.cpp:78:21: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/io/resource/PakReader.cpp:124:22: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/src/io/resource/PakReader.cpp:256:22: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/tools/savetool/SaveFix.cpp:211:15: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/tools/savetool/SaveFix.cpp:313:15: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/tools/savetool/SaveFix.cpp:365:15: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -Arx/tools/savetool/SaveRename.cpp:46:65: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer]