+Arx/src/graphics/opengl/GLVertexBuffer.h:193:68: warning: redundant explicit casting to the same type 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') as the sub-expression, remove this casting [readability-redundant-casting] +Arx/src/graphics/opengl/GLVertexBuffer.h:200:64: warning: redundant explicit casting to the same type 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') as the sub-expression, remove this casting [readability-redundant-casting] +Arx/src/input/Input.cpp:614:27: warning: redundant explicit casting to the same type 'int' as the sub-expression, remove this casting [readability-redundant-casting] +Arx/src/input/Input.cpp:660:22: warning: redundant explicit casting to the same type 'int' as the sub-expression, remove this casting [readability-redundant-casting]