oclint warnings for Arx in branch 1.2-branch
base class destructor should be virtual or protected
(1 | =)
destructor of virtual class
(1 | =)
empty catch statement
(3 | =)
empty else block
(3 | =)
ill-placed default label in switch statement
(3 | =)
redundant local variable
(3 | =)
constant if expression
(4 | =)
unused method parameter
(8 | =)
unnecessary default statement in covered switch statement
(9 | =)
avoid branching statement as last in loop
(10 | =)
avoid default arguments on virtual methods
(13 | =)
missing default in switch statements
(14 | =)
double negative
(20 | =)
multiple unary operator
(20 | =)
long method
(24 | =)
too few branches in switch statement
(24 | =)
missing break in switch statement
(46 | =)
unnecessary else statement
(58 | =)
avoid private static members
(61 | =)
high ncss method
(83 | =)
parameter reassignment
(111 | =)
inverted logic
(113 | =)
prefer early exits and continue
(117 | =)
useless parentheses
(128 | =)
high cyclomatic complexity
(172 | =)
unused local variable
(172 | =)
deep nested block
(198 | =)
collapsible if statements
(213 | =)
constant conditional operator
(220 | =)
empty if statement
(234 | =)
high npath complexity
(244 | =)
long line
(765 | =)