+/usr/include/glm/./gtc/bitfield.inl:343:15: warning: Although the value stored to 'x' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'x' [deadcode.DeadStores] +/usr/include/glm/./gtc/bitfield.inl:397:20: warning: Although the value stored to 'x' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'x' [deadcode.DeadStores] +/usr/include/glm/./gtc/bitfield.inl:451:20: warning: Although the value stored to 'x' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'x' [deadcode.DeadStores] +Arx/src/graphics/image/stb_image.cpp:2646:31: warning: Although the value stored to 'z' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'z' [deadcode.DeadStores]