+Arx/src/audio/openal/OpenALBackend.cpp:510:6: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/gui/Interface.cpp:550:36: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/gui/Text.cpp:222:13: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/gui/TextManager.cpp:76:24: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/gui/TextManager.cpp:79:25: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/math/Vector.h:43:7: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled] +Arx/src/scene/Tiles.cpp:86:18: warning: use of infinity is undefined behavior due to the currently enabled floating-point options [-Wnan-infinity-disabled]