+Arx/src/graphics/font/Font.cpp:176:2: prefer early exits and continue [convention|P3] Use early exit/continue to simplify code and reduce indentation +Arx/src/graphics/font/Font.cpp:363:2: prefer early exits and continue [convention|P3] Use early exit/continue to simplify code and reduce indentation +Arx/src/input/TextInput.cpp:445:2: prefer early exits and continue [convention|P3] Use early exit/continue to simplify code and reduce indentation +Arx/src/io/log/Logger.cpp:81:3: prefer early exits and continue [convention|P3] Use early exit/continue to simplify code and reduce indentation +Arx/src/io/resource/ResourceSetup.cpp:134:4: prefer early exits and continue [convention|P3] Use early exit/continue to simplify code and reduce indentation +Arx/src/platform/Environment.cpp:446:2: prefer early exits and continue [convention|P3] Use early exit/continue to simplify code and reduce indentation