Arx Libertatis 1.2-dev-2018-01-14 ( ---------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains source code and binaries for development snapshot 1.2-dev-2018-01-14 of Arx Libertatis, a cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis. See the snapshot downloads page at for alternate download locations and Linux packages. MD5 Checksums: - 9b4e126166328138c3a4531918aac931 arx-libertatis-1.2-dev-2018-01-14.tar.xz - 68fc0513591a4af122c0d09fab216bfd arx-libertatis-1.2-dev-2018-01-14-freebsd.tar.xz - 70f902e1a6b450bd0f65d988ddc2dadd arx-libertatis-1.2-dev-2018-01-14-linux.tar.xz - fd18c32e49f69bc1f2da93e110c86e34 Changelog: - Fixed wrong items being highlighted when in combine mode (bug #121) - Fixed duplicated page turn sound when clicking top tabs in the player book (bug #1125) - Fixed some entities not using the correct replacement textures (bug #1112) - Fix precast spells having 0 duration after level change or saving and loading (bug #1124) - Add a script warning when a command is missing parameters - Fixed missing black bars in a cutscene in the castle of Arx (bug #1014) - Fixed Akbaa tentacle not being hidden when it is supposed to be in the Ylside bunker - Fixed weapon durability degrading faster at higher framerates (bug #790) - Fixed wrong script parameter formatting for 'on ouch' events caused by the scripting engine cleanup in the previous snapshots - Code cleanup See the full changelog at for changes in other versions.