Arx Libertatis 1.2-dev-2018-06-27 ( ---------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains source code and binaries for development snapshot 1.2-dev-2018-06-27 of Arx Libertatis, a cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis. See the snapshot downloads page at for alternate download locations and Linux packages. MD5 Checksums: - f49ddd22940e66da0dec2992c169a006 arx-libertatis-1.2-dev-2018-06-27.tar.xz - cb10faf966765b638da965702e4db9a2 arx-libertatis-1.2-dev-2018-06-27-freebsd.tar.xz - fa1211e30e1ac3dedb12dac59f549d91 arx-libertatis-1.2-dev-2018-06-27-linux.tar.xz - 6950b1a0ed5ae8a2e430ffaf5a4d75bd Changelog: - Updated GLM to version - Linux & FreeBSD: Updated libepoxy to version 1.5.2 - Linux & FreeBSD: Updated FreeType to version 2.9.1 - Linux: Added crash reporter to binary packages (Qt and CURL not included) - Fixed broken rendering with GLM - Fixed gold count being displayed under the level up icon - You can now unfocus keybind and save name widgets by clicking anywhere else - Fixed quickload shortcut being activated when entering it's keybinding in the save name textbox - Added support for Unicode save names (feature request #1032) - Improved editing support in the save name textbox - Improved date/time display in the save list - Fixed minimap being stretched on wide resolutions (bug #211) - Fixed player book being stretched on wide resolutions (bug #211) - Added an option to control the player book scale with larger resolutions - Fixed too small font size at resolutions slightly above 640x480 - Fixed wrat teleport breaking when saving and loading during the teleport - Fixed overzealous dynamic light culling (bug #1213) - Fixed light flares being drawn in front interface elements including notes (bug #1145) - Fixed light flared being disabled when the player book is open - Added mouse wheel support to sliders and option widgets in the menu - Improved quest book text layout - Added options to control the in-game font size and weight - Increased default font weight for text in the player book and notes to improve readability See the full changelog at for changes in other versions.